Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Manage.

Google Desktop

Google Desktop SearchGoogle have moved ever closer onto the desktop with their new tool: Google Desktop

Incase you're wondering how it works(and this is in brief); after installing the app it then goes off and spends anywhere from an hour - 2 days indexing your drive (while idle). Then via a local port,, you can search to you hearts content.

The features will no doubt be blogged everywhere, but i'll cover a few key ones here and including a few odd (time to get use to) ones as well.

The one disapointing lack-off feature is integration with GMAIL, but there rumours that this might/might not be added later. Also lack of specifying files to search. I would LOVE to be able to search .cfm, .cfc, .html, .js etc etc files.
Apart from that, WOW installation couldn't be easier, searching is simple, what more can you want? The one big question though is....... will Adsense be integrated in as well??
[Screen shot]
Google Desktop Search
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